Handling Animals

Clarkson Hirst Solicitors Limited

We have handled cases where clients have suffered serious injuries as a result of being kicked by cattle.

The Health and Safety Executive advocate strict procedures when handling cattle. Where possible agricultural workers should not be in the same pen as cattle thereby reducing the risk of kicking incidents. You should not be expected to carry out stock tasks on unrestrained cattle or with make shift equipment. The use of a cattle race is advisable. The use of a cattle crush is advisable to allow you to do most straight forward tasks in safety when handling cattle. The use of a shedding gate is useful to allow you to sort cattle into groups.

Sheep & Pigs

Sheep and pigs present a risk of injury in the same way as cattle and similar devices such as races, shedding gates and turnover crates should be used.

When you are handling animals your employer should train you on the safe handling techniques and the risks to be aware of.