Representing You Or Your Child In Care Proceedings

Clarkson Hirst Solicitors Limited

If the local authority (social services) are concerned about the safety or well being of a child, they can start a process known as ‘care proceedings’. This will sometimes involve them making an application to the courts for an Emergency Protection Order, a care order or a supervision order for the child which means that they will have responsibility for the child, making decisions about their welfare – such as where they live and who looks after them.

Those people who become involved in care proceedings can find the whole experience very upsetting and stressful especially if you disagree with the views of social services. Our solicitors are experienced in dealing with care proceedings and will help you understand the actions of social services and what is happening as the case progresses. We can attend court with you or attend pre-proceedings meetings with social services and advise you how best to proceed and how your actions will impact upon the outcome of proceedings. Family legal aid for care proceedings is one of the few areas where legal aid remains available following government changes to legal aid in April 2013. We will complete the required paperwork on your behalf to ensure you have one less thing to worry about at this difficult time.

They can help with matters including:

  • Working out arrangements for children during a divorce.
  • Helping you with child support issues, child residence issues, family breakdowns, your rights to see your children, child protection.
  • What to do when you think a child’s at risk adopting a child the legal rights of children

Our accredited Children Law specialists can support: Children/Adults/Guardians whose children are ‘at risk’ or have been taken into care.

If you are worried about care proceedings please contact Charlotte Bamber urgently at