Will Writing Service

Clarkson Hirst Solicitors Limited

  • Do you have children?
  • Do you have a partner?
  • Do you own property?
  • Do you need help dealing with inheritance tax?

If so, it is vital that you make a Will. If you die without having made a Will, there is no guarantee that the members of your family whom you wish to benefit from your estate will do so.

Why leave it to chance and create emotional difficulties for your loved ones? We will be pleased to draft a straightforward single Will.

For information about the experience and qualifications of the solicitor who will deal with your case, please click here.

For information about the cost of making a will, please click here.

Home & Hospital Visits

We offer home and hospital visits by appointment. Our standard range of charges will not apply to these visits as we will charge extra for the time spent in travelling to attend the visits. Generally, the additional charge would be £200 plus VAT of £40.  The total price of the additional cost would be £240.

Appointments at the office or by telephone

Appointments can be carried out at the office or by telephone, whichever is the most convenient to you. Just let our team know if you would like an appointment by phone or in person and in which of our three offices, Barrow, Kendal or Lancaster.