Helping You Manage Your Affairs

Clarkson Hirst Solicitors Limited

Solicitor Barrow

Matthew Winder provides a caring attentive approach to many of our clients who through ill health or terrible injuries need help to manage their finances. Our work is overseen by the Court of Protection. We always aim to:

  • Support your independence
  • Trusted to protect your money and property
  • Pay your bills
  • Give you access to your money
  • Keep accounts
  • Keep your affairs private and confidential
  • Maintaining your benefits
  • Investing your money safely
  • Reporting to the court of protection

If you or your relative cannot make decisions then we can assist with making applications to the court of protection. This is a court that makes decisions for people who cannot make decisions when there needed.

The court of protection involvement allows a judge to check we are acting in your best interests.


We can see you at our offices or where you live. We can come and see you at hospital if required. Please call Matthew to discuss how he can help, or Email