Debt collection

Clarkson Hirst Solicitors Limited

We offer our clients a personal service regarding debt collection from our firm’s Senior Director Matthew Winder.

Requests for payment letters

  • We prepare and send out a request for payment letter on the day of the request.
  • The charges are £7 plus VAT per letter.
  • We notify you of any response received from your debtor.

Small Claims Court litigation

Our charges for pursuing a claim through the small claims court are generally £1000 plus VAT.

Other litigation up to £100,000, our legal fees are charged at a rate of £190 an hour plus VAT and the case is dealt with by our Senior Director, Matthew Winder. The costs range from £5000 to £25000 plus VAT. The extent of which we will require expert report evidence on the case will depend on the value of the claim. In addition to which you will have to pay court fees which are scaled fees and the amount you pay will depend upon the value of the claim. The above cost estimates apply to claims rather than defending claims.

If the debtor does not pay then you can either pursue a claim in the Small Claims Court or if the debt is not disputed, serve your debtor with a statutory demand procedure.

Our charge for pursuing a claim through the Small Claims Court that is uncontested from the point of the commencement of the Court proceedings until we receive an Order that your debtor has to pay from the Court is £100 plus VAT.